Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dissertation Decor

Since our children are all out of the house, I've taken over the second story as a work area for writing my dissertation.

Everything may look nice and neat downstairs, but believe me, upstairs it looks as if a book and notecard factory has exploded. Piles of books. Books in the chair, books on the bed, books on the floor, books on the table. Open books, closed books, books with papers sticking out of them. Blue notecards, yellow notecards, green notecards, orange notecards. Paper-clipped notecards, rubber-banded notecards, stacks of notecards turned in alternate directions. Notebooks, legal pads, three-ring binders full of photocopied journal articles. You get the picture.

If you come for a visit before I'm finished, I'm warning you: Upstairs is off limits. Don't even ask. Of course, it's not a bad as it looks. Order might not be discernable to the untrained eye, but I promise, there's method in my madness.


metropolitan homeless said...

LOL! have a great writing week!

Ian said...

I completely understand where you're coming from. I love surveying my desk area after a few days of paper writing--it's insane. I only wish I could hide my messy ways from the world. Alas, my desk is in our living room. Hope your writing is going well.

Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect! Life, energy, thinking is all going on in that upstairs of your. Keep up the good work!

Stephanie said...

Thanks, guys, for the encouragement!