Saturday, September 12, 2009

It Is Good She Did Not Know

I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.
--II Samuel 12:23

It is good
she did not know
the end
from the beginning.

For then,
how could she ever
have left the side of his crib?
counting the ticking minutes
through the numbered nights.

It is good
for then
how could she ever
have smiled and waved
as he boarded the yellow bus,
or said yes
to a sleepover,
or told him
just go outside and play.

It is good
for then
how could she ever
have counted
out the candles
and said make a wish
when she knew her own
would not come true.

It is good
for then
how could she ever
have shown him how
to fold his hands,
how taught him to pray
when she herself
was not quite sure
how God answers.

It is good she did not know.


1 comment:

Travis said...

I think as mortals omniscience would lead us to a life of total fear. Without ignorance and the unknown, we could not live productively.