Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Shack

If a book causes a big hoopla, I try to read it. After all, it’s my job (kinda). And I want my students to see that I’m not hung in the 18th century, that I try to keep current.

So last year, when I heard so many people talking about The Shack, how wonderful it was, how they were doing a Bible study based on it, how you’d better have a pencil in hand as you read, and so on and so forth, I thought it’d be a good read for me. I figured I’d have students who’d read it and might want to discuss it, and since I always try to keep one “spiritual” book going, this would combine my love of fiction with my daily dose of devotional reading.

Boy, was I disappointed. Besides some shaky theology, The Shack really wasn’t all that well-written, and frankly, I often found it corny. But I wasn’t nearly as disappointed as this guy. Check out his review HERE.

You won’t be sorry.


Ian said...

Hire that reviewer for any print journal immediately!

In a similar vein, following THE_REAL_SHAQ on twitter is incredibly rewarding.

Anonymous said...

I agree!! I found very little in it to appreciate...

Becca said...

I agree! We had to read it and write a response essay over it for my New Testament class last year. He kept going on about how wonderful it was, and while I like a lot of what the author was trying to say, I couldn't get past how horribly written it was. The entire time I was reading it, I wanted to grab my red pen off my desk and scribble all over the pages. It really ruined the whole book for me.