Friday, August 28, 2009

What's Up? If I'm not careful, it's gonna be my weight

This place is gonna get me in trouble. We had cake during orientation. There are soft peppermints on the secretary's desk. Yesterday morning there were donuts, and by lunch slices of homemade carrot cake appeared in the breakroom. It's easy saying "no" when all you have in the fridge are fruits, veggies, and whole grains. It's a lot harder when you're surrounded by the enemy.


Mark Elrod said...

I'm sure you would never be tempted by this:

Stephanie said...

I hate to admit it, but if they were in front of me, I probably would be. I'm weak.

Jennifer said...

Don't worry...the guys will eat the rest of the peppermints soon!

Travis said...

Do you remember the cartoon "Looney Toons?" We used to watch it growing up. There was one cartoon where Porky Pig's nephew was trying to go on a diet; however, he had a huge chocolate cake in the refrigerator downstairs that he kept thinking about. In the middle of the night the cake began to chase him around yelling, "EAT ME!" I didn't know if you would remember that. You found it funny at the time.

Similar situation now?

Travis said...

Oooops! I just noticed that I ended a sentence in a preposition. "About which he kept thinking."

My apologies!

Stephanie said...

@ Travis - Exactly. And I forgive you. :-)