Monday, June 22, 2009

Booking It--What Now?

What book are you reading right now? And, even though you don't know the end, would you recommend it?

Right now, I'm reading Marilynne Robinson's Gilead. I've had it for a while and just never gotten around to it, but since Robinson's one of the keynote speakers at the CSC this week, I thought it'd be a good thing to have read it before I go. Now, I'm sorry I hadn't gotten to it sooner. It's simply beautiful. I have a feeling this novel will have a place near the top of my all-time-favorites list.

If you’re a grown man when you read this – it is my intention for this letter that you will read it then – I’ll have been gone a long time. I’ll know most of what there is to know about being dead, but I’ll probably keep it to myself. That seems to be the way of things.

1 comment:

metropolitan homeless said...

I'm reading Chekhov! I couldn't sleep one night last week and wanted to read The Lady with the Pet Dog so got up & dug through boxes until I found The Portable Chekhov. Your blog is looking beautiful these days! oxx