Friday, August 29, 2008

Politically Confused

You can’t open a newspaper, look at the cover of a magazine, turn on the TV, or read a blog (except mine) lately without noticing the focus on politics. I’m feeling a little out of the loop, so here goes:

Obama. McCain. Democrat. Republican. McCain. Obama. Christian. Muslim. Obama. McCain. Liberal. Conservative. McCain. Obama. Experienced. Unproven. Bill and Hillary. Gender Issues. Obama. McCain. The Race Card. DNC. RNC. Joe Biden. Obama. McCain. Raise Taxes. Lower Taxes. Universal Health Care. War Hero. McCain. Obama. Personal Integrity. Bipartisanship. McCain. Obama. Obama. Obama. . .

Okay. I don’t mean to make light of politics, and I’m not apolitical. I realize that whoever wins in November will shape our country, not only for the next four years, but on into the future through policy decisions and Supreme Court nominations and how he responds to acts of aggression against the U.S.

I guess what I really am, is politically confused. It’s important to me to be a well-informed person, and although I spend more time reading literature than political pundits, I do try to be in-the-know. The problem is that I don’t know who to believe. Each magazine article I read contradicts the last one. Each news anchor leans a different way. Each analyst comes to a different conclusion. What’s a person who doesn’t have a degree in political science supposed to do?

Well, I don’t have it all figured out, but here are a few things I do know:

1. There are radicals and zealots on both sides of any issue, some willing to resort to violence.
2. People from both parties misrepresent, slant, and sometimes lie.
3. Candidates are human. We will often be disappointed in them.
4. Some people will do anything for power.
5. Some people truly want to serve.
6. There are honest, committed Christians on both sides of the aisles, earnestly trying to following their convictions.
7. We should try to understand each other and treat each other with respect.
8. Even though it may be difficult, it’s important to try to get a handle on the issues, get to know the candidates, and vote my conscience.

Maybe I’ll get it all figured out by November.

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